Wednesday, August 13, 2008

LHR: ATM Machine near Hilton Metropole

I heard a while back that there was a scam that ran for a little while at one of the ATMs on Edgeware. Apparently, someone put an ATM shell over the real ATM and was able to snag all the card information. Although this has never happened to me, it does raise an eyebrow.

If you're concerned about adding an extra level of safety to your trips to the cash machine, I suggest you use the ATM in the M & S store right across the street from the Metropole. It still charges the regular withdrawl fee (according to my bank statements) but it is probably the most secure location to withdrawl your money. The store is crawling with employees, it's well lit, and they probably have a security detail somewhere in the store. A crook would probably pass that locale for easier pickins.

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