I'd like to tell you about one of the best layover bars Narita has to offer - the Jet Lag Club!
Its located on
508 Kamicho, Narita
Tel: 080-5504-0340

I used Photoshop to mark up a map for you. It ought to get you close. The walking distance was a half mile.

(link to original Google Map)
The bus from the Hilton drops you off near the Narita local train station. You go up the stairs to the walkway and walk through the train station. After a few up escalators, it'll dump you out at street level. Bear right and go over the pedestrian overpass, and then when the road comes to a "T", go right onto "Green Streen." It's not the real name of the street, but everyone calls it that because it has green painted sidewalks. Wander on the Green Street until you come to the Jet Lag Club on the left.
Inside you'll be treated to a vast array of interesting airline memorabilia and artifacts. Order a pint of your favorite beer and let your eyes wander around. You'll find yourself spending a lot of time just checking out the photos and posters surrounding you.
Happy hour is from 4 to 8 and The Jet Lag Club has the best prices in town. A popcorn machine will help you forget that you're hungry (and that it's really 6am back home...)

The Jet Lag Club does not serve food, but has made arrangements with Pa Pa's restaurant to have their food delivered. I'll be blogging about Pa Pa's soon. Just ask the bartender for a menu.

Enjoy your visit to Narita and take a minute to soak up the Jet Lag Club! You'll have a great time!
Some More Photos -->
The Bar

Rabble rousers, one and all...

Just a few of the items in Vincent's vast collection:

Lots of stuff for sale at the JLC. This is a neat bottle opener that you put over the top of the bottle and push down. Magically, the bottle top pops off! A great unique party item!

More beers! (Notice the shapely stein...)

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