This blog has been an idea I've had for a while, and putting Cluck in a few of my pictures seemed like the natural next step.
Unfortunately, in late 2007, Cluck was lost at the Intercontinental Hotel in Sao Paulo, Brazil. He was left at the pool area after a wild party, and never to be seen again, despite repeated attempts to locate him with the Brazilian staff at the hotel. No one really knows what happened. He may have tried to fly, he may hav just been tossed, we'll nevern know.
When I started to return to Sao Paulo after the 777 started to go there, Cluck was remembered by many of the hotel staff. They would ask me where my 'frango' is (chicken in Brazilian Portuguese). I decided I needed new Cluck.

Cluck 2 lasted about 2 months. He was quite a unique conversation piece. Probably because he was so dad-gum ugly. And of course, the unsuspecting person would grab him and he'd make a surprising fart sound.
Cluck 2 was literally stolen from me at 'The Cage' bar in Narita Japan. I'm not sure who did it, but with the crowds that frequent that proud Karoake establishment, it could be anybody.
So, if you know the whereabouts of an unclaimed ugly gray rubber chicken, please let me know so he can be returned to his rightful owner.
Cluck 3 was purchased online and is currently in my custody. In his short stint so far as the reigning cluck, he has traveled a lot. To deter another international adbuction, I've graced Cluck with some identifying marks (like his name, and this blog URL) in permanent ink.
So, if you see a rubber chicken in a pawn shop that matches those marks, please contact me so I can claim him!
Anyway, enjoy Cluck's adventures. He's not quite as famous as Flat Stanley, but his reputation is growing with every post!
Cluck 3 & me

What? Eggs?

Mmmm Banana Pizza with Ice Cream!

Cluck in Sao Paulo

Tried to fly...

Cluck 1 in Brussels (RIP)

Cluck 1 in Brussels